
Average score 716 Reviews
Micka d noted on Google

2 months ago
Tatiana Muller noted on Google

2 months ago
mahamat zen noted on Google

L'endroit est très bien merci (Translated by Google) The place is very good thank you

2 months ago
Nathalie B noted on Google

Cela fait des années que nous nous faisons livrer par sushi kyo, c'est toujours un régal, c'est frais c'est bon et à un prix raisonnable. Au restaurant c'est pareil il n'y a aucune différence sauf que vous voyez la préparation des sushis et sashimis devant vous. Très bonne adresse. (Translated by Google) We've been getting deliveries from sushi kyo for years, it's always a treat, it's fresh, it's good and at a reasonable price. In the restaurant it's the same, there is no difference except that you see the preparation of sushi and sashimi in front of you. Very good address.

2 months ago
Marin Guegan noted on Google

2 months ago
Mário Faria noted on Google

2 months ago
thibaut frère noted on Google

Repas commandé en livraison, service parfait. Il y a eu une erreur sur un des plats commandés, très rapidement résolue par le restaurant. Merci. (Translated by Google) Meal ordered for delivery, perfect service. There was an error on one of the dishes ordered, which was quickly resolved by the restaurant. THANKS.

2 months ago
gerard benmimoune noted on Google

2 months ago
Carlos Alva noted on Google

Meilleur Sushi a Saint-Nazaire de loin ! (Translated by Google) Best Sushi in Saint-Nazaire by far!

2 months ago
Du soleil aux étoiles noted on Google

2 months ago

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6 Rue François Marceau
44600 Saint-nazaire, France

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